
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Benne Wafers

First, I must congratulate my Gamecocks on making a run at a third CWS title in 3 years. That's pretty freakin' cool! Second, I must congratulate Arizona on their exceptional ball-playing in this CWS. Even though I wanted to hate Robert Refsnyder, I couldn't because he seemed like a really nice person. So yeah. And even though we didn't win, Michael Roth and Evan Marzilli (and Matt Price and Christian Walker, etc.) have my heart. This probably makes zero sense if you don't follow college baseball.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quick SC Pickles

So yesterday was my 1-year blog-iversary. I...totally thought it was on Sunday and that I had 3 more days to think of something awesome to make. I have a goodie up my sleeve all right, and I guess it's still celebratory if just a little belated. That's cool, right?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thyme Scones with Syrupy Strawberries & Cream

I hope everyone had a lovely Father's Day. It's a bittersweet day for me, especially this year. It's been a year since my grand-daddy passed, and he was absolutely my daddy in every way that mattered. He was at my graduations and piano recitals and choir concerts.

He had a huge sweet tooth. As in, you should expect the cake we're going to eat to already have a slice taken out. Y'know...for testing. Most of the desserts I make have him in mind. But I'm not sure if this is dessert that I had for breakfast or breakfast that I had for dessert. I think it can go either way. The scones are sweet but herby, and the strawberry sauce has a tang that keeps this from being decidedly one or the other.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blueberry Crumble Pie

Pie is a labor of love. Clearly I love myself since that's exactly who I was making this pie for. And since I was making it for myself, I decided I would combine the things I love about pie and the things I love about a crumble or crisp. P.S. I tried to figure out the difference between a crisp and a crumble and they're pretty much the same. I assume a crisp is crispier and a crumble is crumblier because they pretty much have the same topping. This should probably be called Blueberry Crisp Pie but it doesn't flow as well as Blueberry Crumble Pie. So there ya go.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Garden City Vacation

Where, oh where, have I been? I'll give you a hint. I found this:

...and saw this:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Kahlùa Pudding Cake

My sister's birthday was this week. Since I'm such a good sister, I made her a cake. I also babysat G-man so that she and Rich could have a nice dinner. I've been wanting to make this pudding cake for weeks now, and I figured I should make it for my sister and Rich because it's pretty much guaranteed to get eaten. Rich would eat this for breakfast if he could get away with it.

My sister said that since it's her birthday cake she can eat it out of the pan with a fork if she wants. Rock on, man. It's a seriously rich dessert that is only enhanced by a dollop of very lightly sweetened whipped cream.