
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cheese Wafers

Criminy.  It's time to start thinking of New Years Resolutions, y'all.  Or as I like to call them, goals.  I feel like framing it as a New Years resolution makes it less likely to happen.  I do think that the beginning of a year is good time to set goals, though.  These are some ideas I'm tossing around:

  • Run a 5k.  I know I can do it if I keep working on it.  
  • Bake more bread.  I know most people try to limit their carbs in the new year, but I plan to fully embrace them.  And a healthy dose of cardio.  Carbio if you will.  
  • Use all the salts my sister gave me for Christmas.  Yeah, she gave me this sampler pack of different sea salts that I can't wait to bust out.  They're really pretty and come in these test tubes in a handy display rack.
There are more that I can't think of at the moment.  But that seems like a pretty good list to start!
I have a feeling these cheese wafers are probably not a part of anyone's goals for the new year.  Unless that goal is to eat more cheese.  That should totally be one of my goals...

I've been making these bad boys for years.  In fact I think I started making them around the same time as the wedding cookies.  That just goes to show they're easy peasy.
You're probably going to hate me.  Rice cereal, all-purpose flour, 1/2 lb of extra sharp cheddar cheese, 2 sticks of butter, salt, pepper, and paprika.
Go ahead and grate your cheese.  All of it.  Let it sit on the counter a few minutes so that it's soft.
This is what 2 sticks of butter creamed with 8 ounces of cheese looks like.  Sin on stick.  Well, in a bowl.
 Add the flour, salt, pepper, and paprika.  Mix it until it's good and incorporated.
Time to mix in dem krispies.  It requires a bit of elbow grease since I like to do this part by hand.  I like to refrigerate the mixture (dough?) for about 30 minutes just to make it a little easier to handle.
 Roll the dough into balls by the teaspoon.
Then squish 'em with a fork!
 Okay you don't have to squish them per se.  Just gently flatten them a little.
These don't need a greased cookie sheet.  There's too much butter to even think about sticking.
Bake at 400º for 12 minutes.  They'll spread a little bit and have crispy edges.  Transfer them to a wire rack to cool.
On the reals, you'll need to put out more than 8 at a time.  I just wanted to use my cute serving dish.  These seriously get snatched up in no time.  Look, they may not line up with the usual resolutions, so make them before you resolve!  I'm the last person who would champion deprivation, so if you need to indulge a buttery, cheesy craving, these are the ticket, y'all.

Cheese Wafers (makes 3-4 dozen)
Adapted from A Touch of Home

2 sticks butter, softened
1/2 lb extra sharp cheddar cheese, grated
2 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp pepper
Small pinch of salt
2 c crisp rice cereal

  • Cream butter and cheese together until thoroughly combined.  This is made easier if both butter and cheese are soft.  Add flour, paprika, pepper, and salt.  Mix until combined.  Stir in rice cereal.  Refrigerate 30 minutes.
  • Heat oven to 400º.  Shape chilled dough into small balls about the size of a teaspoon.  Place 2-inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets.  Bake 12 minutes.  Transfer to wire racks to cool completely.  Store in airtight containers up to 2-3 days.  

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