
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grilled Pineapple Salsa

As I stare at the pouring rain and my backyard that's slowly turning into a lake, I can't help but want this salsa. Y'all I fully expect to see some fish swimming out here soon. We've got a flash flood advisory, so I can't even go grocery shopping. It's still not as bad as what Charleston is getting right now. There are people kayaking in the Market.

This pineapple salsa benefits from a little time on the grill to caramelize the natural sugars of the fruit. I picked up a couple of Hatch chiles at Fresh Market's sampling event. Y'all, I love a good sample. A bite here, a sip there...before I knew it I'd had lunch. Hatch chiles are only available a short time, so if you see them grab a couple. If you don't have them, use Anaheim or poblanos. I used this method to roast my chiles.

This isn't overly complicated. You'll need: Half a lime, olive oil for brushing, red onion, pineapple spears, roasted green chile, garlic, and (smoked) sea salt.

Brush the spears with olive oil and place on a hot grill. I cut my own pineapple, so this is about half a pineapple.
You're after these beautiful grill marks that let you know you've got caramelization.

Chop your pineapple into small bite-sized pieces.

Onion, garlic, and chopped green chile are already in the salsa bowl.

Add the pineapple and toss it all together. If you're like me, you'll take a bite right away and proclaim it your new favorite salsa. But as with most dips, it's a good idea to let the flavors marry. An hour in the fridge (if you can stand it) will do the trick.

I'll admit, my favorite chips are probably a bit too thin for this salsa. But that didn't stop me from eating it. It's also dynamite on shrimp or fish tacos. Dynamite? Who am I? My salsa is far less awkward than I am.

Grilled Pineapple Salsa (makes about 1 cup)

3-4 pineapple spears
1 tbs olive oil
1/4 c chopped red onion
1 green chile, roasted and chopped (Hatch, Anaheim, and poblano are good choices)
1 clove garlic, chopped
Pinch of smoked sea salt
Juice of half a lime

  • Heat a grill or grill pan to high heat. When the grill is ready, brush the pineapple spears with olive oil. Grill the pineapple about 4 minutes a side or until grill marks form. Chop the pineapple into small, bite-sized pieces.
  • In a medium bowl, toss the red onion, chile, garlic, and pineapple. Sprinkle in salt and squeeze in lime juice. Toss again and refrigerate, covered, 30 minutes to an hour.

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