
Monday, July 15, 2013

Instagrammin: June + July

Our rainy day turned out beautiful #nofilter Sometimes a weekend getaway is what you really need. I'm pretty dang lucky this is the view from my grandmother's second floor.

Well. That's ugly. This is what my sister and I saw when we were driving down. P.S. I was in the passenger seat.

Grits + bacon. Because Mondays are hard Ugh, Mondays are hard. Mondays are less hard if you can eat bacon and grits. 

600426_10101500925445297_1915437854_n I have been blessed with a lovely rose bush right outside my window/front door. I like to smell them before I go inside.

First pesto of the season from my basil plants My first pesto of the season, which also turned out to be my second-to-last pesto before the 20 days of storms killed my herbs. I'm hoping they make a miraculous recovery, but I bought a replacement basil plant just in case. Because if they do recover, you can never have too much basil, amiright?

Lemon thyme smells ah-mazing This lemon thyme, also part of my herb garden #RIP, smelled amazing before I put it in cookies.

My Friday at work One of the great things about my job is that my boss and I can grab lunch and a little dessert on a Friday afternoon. This was a spiced citrus custard in a homemade waffle cone from my favorite little ice (cream) place, Paradise Ice.

Storms starting to roll in over Irmo You know those storms that killed my herb garden? This is one of them rolling over my sister's house. She doesn't have any herbs either, but hers had an unfortunate run-in with a squirrel. A squirrel with some minty fresh breath now.

IMG_20130603_151037 This is what happens when you check-in to the Ritz. I'm only lucky enough to know because I went to a conference in Coconut Grove back in June.

IMG_20130603_173321 My room had two views. One of the city and one of the bay, depending on which direction you looked.

IMG_20130604_141421 Our lunches were served in a ballroom by a lovely, attentive staff. The dessert on the first day was the fluffiest cheesecake I've ever eaten. SO good.

IMG_20130605_204327 Room service just has to be done sometimes. 

IMG_20130613_133224 Who doesn't like a surprise package in the mail? My nearest and dearest, Kaitlin, is getting married next May! I'm so thrilled and honored to be a bridesmaid for her!

IMG_20130615_184941 You know one of the awesome things about having a brother-in-law who's half-Chinese? His mom makes big batches of gyoza and leaves it in my sister's freezer. I'm really surprised that I haven't stolen one of those bags.

Why I love working from home Another awesome thing about my job? I can throw together two crazy good pesto pizzas for my lunch.

Doesn't everyone detox after the 4th with nachos? Clearly Will and I lost our minds by eating nachos July 5th. Because the best way to recover from brats, beer, and burgers is with ultimate 'chos. 

Brat + totsBut I mean,  I'm obviously living right. Brat + tots...+PureBarre. 

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